Add a Concern Input

The following instructions is part of a larger process for logging and addressing student concerns, as defined by the Continuum of Proactive Student Supports (CPSS) for Early Intervention and Prevention. For background, please see Using the Concerns Tab.


A Concern Input is a type of concern record with several purposes:


NOTE: If you are responding to a request for concern input, see these instructions.


To add a Concern Input:


  1. Search for a student
  2. Select the Concerns tab.
  3. Select New Concern Input from the Actions menu.
  4. Enter the Input Date in MMDDYY format. (Tips for entering dates.)
  5. Use LiveSearch to select the Author.
  6. Use the drop-down menu to select the Concern.
  7. Describe the concern in Description of Behavior with Evidence.
  8. Click Save then Close. The Concern selected in step 6 is now displayed on the Concerns tab.