
Because it pulls information from several sources, the Conferences tab provides schools with a single point of reference for knowing all conferences the student is involved in.


To access the Conference tab:


  1. Select Student Profile from the Navigation Menu.

  2. Search for a student.

  3. Select the Conferences tab.


You ability to view conferences depends on your rights to view them. The types of conferences you may find on this tab include:


To add a conference:


  1. From the Conference tab, click Add.

  2. Enter the Conference Date in MMDDYY format. (Tips for entering dates.)

  3. Click Import to name the Conference Organizer, who must be part of the Student Team.

  4. Enter the Conference Topic.

  5. Enter Conference Notes.

  6. Click Add Participants to name who will attend the conference.

  7. If applicable, click Add Concern. You can select all concerns that apply. Note that if at the time you save the conference document, the concern you identify already exists on the Concerns tab, the conference document will be appended to the concern.

  8. Click Save then Close. Your conference is now listed on the Conferences tab.