The Help Index provides step-by-step instructions for using eCSSS.
Opening Help
The Help Index opens in a separate window from the eCSSS screen. Here's an overview.
Browsing Help Topics
To browse help topics, click on the Contents button in the top left corner. Click on icons to browse through topics.
How Information is Organized
Most instructions are organized according to the Student Support Process (SSP) stages they belong to.
Each section begins with an About … document that provides an overview and definitions for the topic. This is followed by more detailed instructions for the topic.
TIP: Toggle between eCSSS and Help
You can toggle between eCSSS and the Help Index in the same manner you toggle between any two windows. You can do either of the following:
Hold the <Alt> key while pressing the <Tab> key, then release both keys to toggle back and forth between two windows.
Hold the <Alt> key while pressing the <Tab> key multiple times to locate the appropriate window.
TIP: Print Help Topics
To print a Help topic, do the following:
Find the document you wish to print.
Click anywhere in the document.
On your mouse, click the right button.
Select Print.
Closing Help
Click the Close Help button.