Student Measure

You can view Student Measure Details on the Student Measure screen.


The screen shows general demographic information about the student, and provides details about the Measure that is being summarized on the screen. The Measure Details can be edited by selecting the Edit link in a Not Started or In Progress Student Measure. Changing the Measure Details will affect all students associated with the Measure.


At the bottom of the screen (in the highlighted box), you can see how the student performed on the measure on various Assessment Dates.


You can add a new Assessment Date, Score/Rating, and Comments by clicking on the Add button beneath the Assessment Dates. Either a Score/Rating or Comments has to be entered for an Assessment Date.


In the highlighted box on the right (Student Measure Details), you can click the checkbox to indicate that the student has Completed the measure, even if the Measure itself still has a status of In Progress. When the student's status is Completed, you cannot add or change assessment dates for the student. Save and Close the window after you change the status.


You can toggle the Completed checkbox, resetting it to "In Progress" if necessary.


The student’s status is “Not Started” when there are no Assessment Dates associated with the student.


When done, Save and Close the student measure.

