
Contacts are individuals associated with a specific student, such as relatives or caregivers. The information that comes from the Student Information System (SIS) cannot be modified within eCSSS (information is read-only for those contacts). However, eCSSS users are able to add more contacts, as appropriate.


A row marked with SIS means that the contact record was imported from eSIS or Win/Mac School. As such, those records cannot be edited in eCSSS.  


To add a Contact:


  1. Search for a student.

  2. Select the Contact tab.

  3. Click Add at the bottom of the Contact tab.

  4. In the Contact Information box, enter the following information:

  5. Enter Residential Address, if applicable.

  6. To enter another contact, click Save & Next . Otherwise, click Save then Close.


The Department of Health section is at the bottom of the tab. Note the following about this section:


Select the Family Guidance Center the student is receiving support services from. Enter the Client Registration # that the center uses to reference the student.


To edit Related Agencies:


  1. Click the Edit under the Related Agencies box.
  2. Check the agencies that should be included
  3. Click Save then Close. You are returned to the Contact tab.