Data Requirements for 504/Idea Eligibility

eCSSS displays a student's eligibility status on the Program tab in the Student Profile.



The status is based on several data requirements. There are two types of eligibility. This first is sometimes referred to as "base eligibility," and the second type is eligibility for services.


Eligibility Definitions


IDEA Definitions



Valid ED & PWN


  • Valid ED - Latest Eligibility Determination record with a Filed Date by Decision Date indicates IDEA eligible = Yes.

  • Valid PWN - The most recent PWN must have the following:

    • A date in the Provided to Parent Date field.

    • Applicable Regulation of IDEA,

    • Attached to the previous Eligibility Determination record.


Consent is not denied or revoked.

  • No Consent 102b is attached to the PWN, OR

  • Consent 102b indicates consent was given and not revoked.


No declined reevaluation


Reevaluation not declined for the latest ED.

Base eligible enrollment status

Enrollment Status is blank OR does not indicate death or graduation.




Base Eligible

Student meets IDEA Base Eligibility requirements described in previous table.


Receiving Services Status

  • Enrollment Status is blank, OR

  • Exit Code is 053 OR 068 OR 075

Homeschooled and accepted FAPE


  • Enrollment Status must have a value and Exit Code must be 055.

  • On Program tab, Decline FAPE must be No.



504 Definitions



Valid ED & PWN


  • Valid ED - Latest Eligibility Determination record with a Filed Date by Decision Date indicates 504eligible = Yes.

  • Valid PWN - The most recent PWN must have the following:

    • A date in the Provided to Parent Date field.

    • Applicable Regulation of 504,

    • Attached to the previous Eligibility Determination record.


Base eligible enrollment status

Enrollment Status is blank OR does not indicate death or graduation.




Base Eligible

Student meets 504 Base Eligibility requirements described in previous table.


Receiving Services Status


  • Enrollment Status is blank, OR

  • Exit Code is 053, 054 and 068, OR

  • Exit Code is 075


Student must not have exited 504 Plan

504 Plan must not have 504 Plan Exit Date.