Manage PSAP Information for Students

Use the Supports tab of the Student Profile to manage Primary School Adjustment Project (PSAP) information for students. The PSAP worksheet in eCSSS is where schools can collect conference information, behavioral concerns and information about the student's eligibility in the program.


For background on PSAP, see the Hawaii DOE PSAP Web site.


To add a PSAP worksheet for a student, do the following:


  1. Search for a student
  2. Select the Supports tab.
  3. Highlight Programs. The Actions menu will change.
  4. From the Actions menu, select New Program.
  5. From the Select Program modal window, to select PSAP.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The Enrollment tab is where schools record conference information, behavioral concerns and the school's decision regarding the student's PSAP eligibility.
    1. Enter Intake Conference information:
      1. Enter Conference Date.
      2. Select Enrollment Decision. If decision is Provide PSAP Services, a PSAP Start Date is required  (see 5c below).
      3. Enter other details about the conference, including whether Parents Attended Conference, whether the student was Enrolled in PSAP Last Year and Intake Conference Notes.
    2. Checkmark all Concerns that apply.
    3. For the PSAP Status box:
      1. Status - This read-only field will display Not Eligible, Enrolled or Exited, based on entries on the Enrollment or End of Service tabs.
      2. PSAP Start Date - This required field displays only if Enrollment Decision is Provide PSAP Services.

        NOTE: If you are
        back-entering PSAP worksheets for an enrollment that has since closed, please enter an Exit Date on the End of Service tab.
  8. When the school has completed PSAP services for a student, the school records the information on the End of Service tab. Enter the following information:
  9. Click Save then Close. The worksheet is now listed on the Supports tab under Program.