PSSAS Worksheets: Reasons for Exiting

On the PSSAS Worksheet, the Status field displays a reason for exit.




The reasons are automatically set according to entries on the Program Supports tab or changes related to the student's enrollment status.


On the Program Supports tab, the Exit Reason drop-down menu contains several options (pictured below).




Please note the following about some Exit Reasons:



The system will automatically enter an Exit Date when, on the student's Demographics tab, (a) the Student Enrollment Status field contains a status and (b) the SIS Exit Code is one of the following: 043, 045, 052, 056 or 058 (see code reference). In this case, the system will automatically set the reason to 4140.



The system will automatically enter an Exit Date when, on the student's Demographics tab, (a) the Student Enrollment Status field contains a status and (b) the SIS Exit Code is 099 (see code reference).  In this case, the system will automatically set the reason to Transferred.


Exited DOE

The system will automatically enter an Exit Date when, on the student's Demographics tab, (a) the Student Enrollment Status on the Demographics tab contains a status and (b) the SIS Exit Code is 055 (see code reference) OR the Student Enrollment Status is H. In either of these cases, the system will automatically set the reason to Left DOE.


End of School Year

End of School Year is not usually in the Exit Reason drop-down menu. At the end of the school year, the DOE will automatically enter an Exit Date for all active PSSAS Worksheets and set the reason to End of School Year, excluding worksheets with 4140, Transferred and Exited DOE.  


End of School Year displays in the drop-down menu only when the worksheet school year, as determined by Enrolled Date, does not match with the current school year.


* Exit / Movement Codes

043 The student is physically or mentally unable to attend school.  The certificate of a duly licensed physician shall be acceptable as evidence.

045 The student has reached his/her fifteenth birthday, is suitably employed and has been excused from school attendance by the Department of Education.

052 The student is in an alternative educational program approved by the Department of Education.

055 The student will be home schooled by the parent in the home setting for the vast majority of the instructional program.

056 The student will be receiving tutorial services as approved by the Department of Education.

058 The student was recommended by the Family Court to remain away from school.