Print Referral Summary


The Referral Summary is a comprehensive document that contains "point-in-time" information gathered on the referral. This may include any of the following:



  • Student Information

  • Referral

  • Current Performance

  • Conferences

  • Level 1 & 2 Supports

Action Plan

For APs, the Referral Summary will also contain:

  • AP Supports

  • Transition Notes

  • AP Progress Reports


NOTE: Summary does not contain 504 Plan or IEP information, which can be printed within the plan screens themselves.


The Referral Summary can be printed any time during the Student Support Process,


To print a Referral Summary, do the following:

  1. Search for a student and highlight the appropriate Referral. The Actions menu will change.

  2. Select Print Referral Summary.


Print Action Plan