
Triennial Reevaluation Agreement

Every three years, the school and parent(s) are required to determine whether the triennial reevaluation is necessary.  This applies to IDEA students who are active in SIS and receiving services per their IEPs.  For these students, the New Triennial Reevaluation Agreement link will be displayed on the Action Menu for the Evaluation Status of the most recent IDEA initial evaluation/reevaluation - but no earlier than 120 days from the student's reevaluation due date.




In the most recent IDEA initial evaluation/reevaluation, document the conference that was scheduled to determine if the triennial reevaluation is necessary.  On the Scheduled Conference Purpose tab, select "Determine if a 504 or IDEA initial evaluation or reevaluation is warranted."




If a conference was held and a reevaluation is not needed, the school provides a Prior Written Notice (PWN) to the parent stating that per agreement between the school and parent, the triennial reevaluation will not be conducted, and the next reevaluation will be due three years from the date that the PWN was provided to the parents.


Document the conference where it was determined whether a triennial reevaluation is not necessary.  If the school and parent agree that it is not needed, select Agreement that Triennial Reevaluation is Unnecessary as the actual conference purpose on the Actual Conference Info tab.



An "X" will be shown in the Reeval Agrmt column of the Referral Summary View.



 After documenting the Actual Conference, do the following:


  1. Highlight the Evaluation Status record and click on the New Triennial Reevaluation Agreement link on the Action Menu to display the following screen:



  1. Click on the Import Conference button and select the conference in which it was decided that the triennial reevaluation is not necessary.




  1. The names of those attending the conference will be displayed automatically, along with the date of the conference. The Actual Conference Date becomes the agreement date.




If it was determined that a triennial reevaluation is not needed, the school provides a Prior Written Notice (PWN) to the parent stating that per agreement between the school and parent, the triennial reevaluation will not be conducted.




The New Reeval Due Date per Agreement is calculated to be three years from the PWN's Provided to Parent Date.




The new reeval due date displays in the Eligibility Determination's Key Dates tab and is used for applicable reports and notifications.




The student continues to be eligible for services, and the active IEP continues with the same IEP Annual Due Date.





Copyright State of Hawaii Department of Education 2010
