Early Warning System

The Early Warning System (EWS) provides your school with a graphical view of how your students are doing in specific areas, including Marks, Attendance, Incidents and, if applicable, GLOs. The system shows results in three groups, with the intent to address signs of need in their early stages:


Users can drill down for more detailed information, and those with appropriate access can see names of students and access their Student Profile in eCSSS.  


To view EWS:


  1. From the Navigation Menu, select School Profile.

  2. Use Livesearch to locate your school record.

  3. Click View Early Warning System.

  4. The EWS chart is displayed.

    NOTE: Track/Combo schools can filter results to a selected Track or Combo School

  5. The bar chart indicates the following:

  6. When you click on any color of the bar chart, the list of students who are represented by that color are listed in the box below.

  7. When you click on a student row, the box to the right provides even further detail. If you have access rights, you'll be able to click on View Student Profile and access that student's information.

  8. Filters - You can choose to filter your results by using any of the drop-down menus:

  9. Supports - You choose to see results by the kind of supports the student is being provisioned. Use the drop-down list to select:

  10. Export - The system allows you to create two types of spreadsheets.