Document Consent to Amend IEP

The Consent to Amend IEP is used when the Student Team has determined that a change needs to be made to an IEP. The parent and principal sign a written agreement to have the plan changed without holding a meeting.


For Revision IEPs, Consent to Amend IEP date can be used instead of Actual Conference - For IEP to be activated, the Consent to Amend can be used instead of Actual Conference. In those cases, the Consent Form Signed Date is used, and the same rules for Actual Conference dates are applied.


A Prior Written Notice must be created under the IEP Revision first.  


To complete a Consent to Amend IEP, do the following:

  1. Search for a student and select the appropriate Referral.

  2. Under PLAN, expand the latest IEP Revision.

  3. Highlight the PWN. The Actions menu will change.

  4. Select New Consent to Amend IEP.

  5. Enter information into the following fields:

  6. Click Save then Close.


More about IEPs: