About Billable Services

There are several ways that service providers document their services in eCSSS, but for those services to be paid for by the DOE, the services must be logged as billable services.


The two key processes required to make your record billable are (1) providing billable service information and (2) linking your service record to a Request for Provider (RFP) document:

  1. Providing billable service information - The record where you document your services will have a Billable checkbox that when marked requires you to provide additional information.  

    Checking Billable will require that you provide additional information, as pictured below (NOTE: Layouts different on other screens, but the same fields are displayed):

    Clicking Billable also allows you to link the RFP, which happens in the next step.

  2. Linking to Request for Provider document - A Request for Provider (RFP) is a formal request made by the DOE for contracted services that are to be given to an individual student. After logging a billable service, you must link the document containing that information to an RFP. Only billable services that are linked can be paid for.

    WHEN YOU CANNOT LINK RFP: See this page to troubleshoot any problems you have linking to an RFP.


Where to Log Billable Services


Depending on your role and where you are in the process, you can document billable services in the Service Log. Here is a quick reference for accessing the Service Log: