Add Concern Goals

The following instructions is part of a larger process for logging and addressing student concerns, as defined by the Continuum of Proactive Student Supports (CPSS) for Early Intervention and Prevention. For background, please see Using the Concerns Tab.


If the school wishes to provision the student with Interventions, the school must first document Goals that would be met by applying the proposed Intervention.


One or multiple Goals can be logged.


NOTE: Goals and Interventions work together, but it's important to know where you can view or create goals and interventions. See this table below:



Concerns Tab

Supports Tab > Interventions


  • View, create and edit goals from Goal document
  • View, create and edit goals from Intervention document
  • View from goals from Intervention document
  • Create and edit from goals from Intervention document


  • View interventions
  • Create and edit interventions
  • View interventions
  • Edit interventions
  • Cannot create interventions
More About Interventions:
  • Once an Intervention is created, it updates both the Concerns and Supports tabs.

  • Interventions added before 9/18/2011 through the School Profile > Interventions tab are moved to the Concerns tab if the Intervention identified a Primary Concern.


The school closes the loop on the process once it determines and documents that the Goal has been met.


  1. Search for the student.
  2. Select the Concerns tab.
  3. Highlight the Concern (i.e., highlight Reading or Math or another Concern listed on the tab).
  4. The Actions menu selections will change. Select Open Goals.
  5. The Concern Goals window is displayed.
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. The SMART Goal modal window is displayed.
  8. Enter the Input Date in MMDDYY format. (Tips for entering dates.)
  9. Enter the Target Date.
  10. Use the drop-down menu to select Area/Skill.
  11. Use LiveSearch to select the Coordinator.
  12. NOTE - End Date and Reason Fields: Leave these fields blank. Later in the process, when an assessment can be made, you can return to this window and close the process for this particular goal. End Date must be within the current school year. Once an End Date is entered, the End Goal becomes required.
  13. Enter the SMART Goal Statement.
  14. If applicable, enter the Pre-Test Data. When relevant, enter the Post-Test Data.
  15. Click OK & Next if you want to add more goals. Otherwise, click OK.  
  16. You will be taken back to the Concern Goals window. Notice that your goals are now listed.
  17. Click Save then Close. Your goals are now listed under the concern.


NOTE: Goals can also be created through the Interventions screen.