Creating a New ESY Request

The Transportation tab in the Student Profile is where you can submit a Request for ESY Curb-to-Curb Transportation Services form (ST-11B) in eCSSS. Before using this screen, there are several steps that must be taken first that occur outside this screen. For more background on Transportation services and the pre-requisite steps, please see About Transportation.


NOTE:  ST-11B may be created without having an ST-11 or Transportation Service in the IEP. This might occur when the ESY service is not provided at the location where the student normally receives services.

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An ESY Transportation Request will be auto-generated in the Transportation tab upon creating and saving an IEP, with a new Transportation Service with Extended School Year marked as Yes. A confirmation message will be displayed upon saving the IEP.


NOTE:  If the Transportation ESY information is updated in the IEP, the related ESY Transportation Request will not be updated, and vice versa.


Manually create an ESY Transportation Request by navigating to the Transportation Tab in Student Profile.


  1. Search for a student

  2. From the Select Profile View, select Page 2.

  3. Select the Transportation tab.

  4. From the Actions menu, select New ESY Request. This brings up the Request for ESY Curb-to-Curb Transportation Services form.  

  5. Complete the Service Information tab. Please note:


*** Add equipment that student uses regularly.  Do not add if it is used only for physical or occupational therapy or if it will be left in school. Example:  Student uses a wheelchair but once a day, he uses a walker for 30 minutes.  For the ST-11B form, add only the wheelchair.

  1. Complete the Pick-Up/Drop-Off Information tab. Please note:

  2. Once the two tabs have been completed, click the Submit Request button.  

  3. Click Save then Close. The information will become available to the transportation personnel so that the request can be processed.

NOTE: What Happens Next


  1. Student Transportation Service Office will review the request and assign the appropriate bus company.

  2. Bus company will assign the student to a specific bus route and determine a pick-up time and approximate drop off time.

  3. Bus company will inform parent(s) and school of starting date and pick up time as soon as the bus route is established.  Travel time and transfers will be discussed at this time.

  4. On the first day of service, the bus driver will provide parent with a copy of the DOE Parent Handbook regarding transportation of a student.


NOTE:  For Transportation contact information, please refer to the Student Transportation Branch section of the Hawaii DOE Directory: