This report provides a quarterly or annual summary of the number of referrals and the referral status by the specified period (quarterly or annual). Only Referrals received today or earlier are included. This report updates daily.
Where the Report is Located
From the Navigation menu of eCSSS, select Reports, then select the report pictured below:
The three required parameters for this report require some basic background. The following scenarios illustrate how to use the parameters.
SCENARIO 1: For a summary reflecting one school year, with numbers broken down by quarter:
Select a school year for Begin School Year. For example, school year 2004-2005
Ignore End School Year. Not relevant.
Select Period
is equal to Quarterly.
RESULT: Report breaks down
numbers by quarter for the 2004-2005
school year.
SCENARIO 2: For a summary reflecting results from a specific range of school years:
Select a school year for Begin School Year. For example, school year 2003-2004. This is the beginning of the range.
Select a school year End School Year. For example, school year 2008-2009. This is the end of the range.
Select Period
is equal to Yearly (Range)
RESULT: Report shows summary of results for years:
Select a school year for Begin School Year. For example, school year 2003-2004. This is the beginning of the range.
Select a school year for End School Year. Not relevant.
Select Period is equal to Yearly
RESULT: Report shows summary
of results from 1900-1901 to 2003-2004.
SCENARIO 3: For a summary reflecting results from 1900-1901 (migrated recorded) to a selected year (i.e., range between earliest year of system records and a selected year):
Select a school year for Begin School Year. For example, school year 2003-2004. This is the end of the range.
Ignore End School Year. Not relevant.
Select Period is equal to Yearly
RESULT: Report shows summary of results from 1900-1901
to 2003-2004.
Additional notes on parameters:
Click Add Parameter to narrow your results.
See Creating a Report for detailed instructions.
The DOE information database is refreshed every night at midnight. This includes information that comes off the VAX. Please keep in mind that your report results will reflect information that is current as of the last time the refresh was completed.
A Look at the Report
Report results are based on student records that meet specific criteria, which are detailed in How Student Records are Counted in Reports – Criteria (later in this document).
RELATED REPORTS – Results from this report should match results in Referral/Evaluation Student Report. NOTE: Reports data will be incomplete for users with limited access.
All records must meet specific criteria to be counted in the reports. If student records are missing in your reports, please review the criteria below and correct your records, if appropriate.
For this report, school year is based on the Referral Received Date.
Student has a filed Referral document, within the school year range based on the Referral Received Date, with Suspicion of 504/IDEA Disability checked.
Consider any referral within the parameter. If more than one referral, show all referrals that fall within the parameter.
This report ties into the Referral/Evaluation Student Report when Summary Report Period parameter=Quarterly or Period parameter=Yearly with only a single school year is specified.