The following are basic criteria used for several IEP reports. This document is a supplement to some reports that are listed on the Reports Reference Guides page.
Go to Student Profile > Demographics tab. The following criteria must be met relating to Demographics:
School must not be blank.
Student Enrollment Status:
Must be blank, “I” or “H”
H = Student withdrew from school and is home schooled by parent.
I =
In-flight - Student withdrew and has not re-enrolled.
... OR ...
If Student
Enrollment Status is not blank, then SIS Exit
Code must be “055” or 060.”
055 = The student will be home schooled by the parent in the
home setting for the vast majority of the instructional program
[4140].** see DOE REGULATIONS 4140
060 = For SIS Use Only (Referred for Evaluation)
NOTE ABOUT CORRECTIONS: Corrections to the Demographics tab cannot be made in eCSSS. Please contact your school Registrar or registration clerk. If the correction relates to the Exit Code, please send an e-mail to
The DOE information database is refreshed every night at midnight. This includes information that comes off the VAX. Please keep in mind that your report results will reflect information that is current as of the last time the refresh was completed.
Go to Student Profile > Program tab. The following criteria must be met relating to FAPE:
Declined FAPE must be No or blank … OR
If Yes, then:
o Eligibility
Determination with Filed Date and most recent Eligibility
Decision Date must be on or after Re-offered FAPE or Declined
Date (whichever date is later).
- AND –
o Admission Date (on Student Profile > Demographics tab) must be on or after Re-offered FAPE or Declined Date (whichever date is later).
The following criteria must be met relating to Eligibility Determination:
· Most recent Eligibility Determination with Filed Date eligibility must = Yes for IDEA.
The following criteria must be met relating to Consent 102b:
· Most recent Consent 102b is blank or Yes, the form contains School Received Consent Form Date and School Received Revocation Form Date is blank. … OR
· Consent 102b does not exist (i.e., not required if Reevaluation).