About Current Performance

This document provides an overview of Current Performance. If you do not need an overview, skip this page and proceed with creating the student's Current Performance.


What is Current Performance?


The Current Performance document reflects the Student Team’s consensus regarding what a student’s strengths, challenges, and needs are. Performance is documented as descriptions of behavior with evidence. This information becomes the basis for goals and services outlined in the student's support plan, whether it is a 504 Plan or IEP. Developing a Current Performance is the first task in the Define Needs stage and applies to all referrals.


The Current Performance screen can be accessed under DEFINE NEEDS.


How are the needs statements developed?


The team reviews other performance information, including:


After reviewing all information, the team must reach a consensus and select the learning style, strengths and challenges that best describe the student. After making the selections, the team must develop needs statements that should be addressed in a formal support plan.


How does this benefit students?


By identifying and describing the student's learning style, strengths and challenges, the team can develop a more meaningful plan that is based on well-defined needs. This allows the team to then measure the plan’s effectiveness in meeting those needs.


See instructions: