60-Day Timeline - How it Begins

This table is a supplement to the 60-Day Timeline document, which describes the timeline function in the Evaluation Status screen


NOTE: Dates entered in the Corrected Timeline Start and Corrected Timeline End fields override entries in other fields.








Evaluation will proceed without Assessment.

The date of the conference when the Student Team decides assessments are not necessary.


Evaluation Status and Actual Conference screens.


1) In Evaluation Status, the answer to Will an evaluation be conducted? must be Yes and Assessment Needed No.


2) Open the Actual Conference document for when the decision had been made. The timeline begins when a date is entered, the Actual Purpose is marked as Student Needs, and the document is saved.


NOTE: Subsequent changes to the Actual Conference date will move the timeline start date accordingly. If several Actual Conference documents exist, the document with the earliest date is used as the timeline start date. Once the timeline has ended with a Timeline End Date, the start date will no longer update (unless the Corrected Timeline Start field is completed).


Evaluation will proceed with Assessment.

The date the signed parental consent was received by the school.


Evaluation Status and Consent Form 102a/102c screens.


1) In Evaluation Status, the answer to Will an evaluation be conducted? must be Yes and Assessment Needed is Yes.


2) The timeline starts when a date is entered in the School Received Consent Date field, and the document is saved.


NOTE: Subsequent changes to the School Received Consent Date will move the timeline start date accordingly. If several 102a documents exist, eCSSS uses the document with the earliest School Received Consent Date as the timeline start date. If a 102c is subsequently created on the same referral, a new timeline start date will not be triggered. For both initials and reevaluations, once the timeline has ended with a Timeline End Date, the start date will no longer update (unless the Corrected Timeline Start field is completed).  






IDEA reevaluations that will proceed with an Assessment and consent is given.


The date the signed parental consent was received by the school.


Evaluation Status and Consent Form 102c screens.


1) In Evaluation Status, the answer to Will an evaluation be conducted? must be Yes, regulation IDEA, type Reevaluation and Assessment Needed is Yes.


2) The timeline starts when a date is entered in the School Received Consent Date field, and the document is saved.


NOTE: Subsequent changes to the School Received Consent Date will move the timeline start date accordingly. If several 102c documents exist, eCSSS uses the document with the earliest School Received Consent Date as the timeline start date. Once the timeline has ended with a Timeline End Date, the start date will no longer update (unless the Corrected Timeline Start field is completed).


IDEA reevaluations that will proceed with an Assessment, but without a recorded Consent Date because consent could not be obtained despite repeated attempts (No Response).


The date the first assessment began.

Evaluation Status, Assessment Report and Consent Form 102c  (optional) screens.


1) In Evaluation Status, the answer to Will an evaluation be conducted? must be Yes, regulation IDEA, type Reevaluation and Assessment Needed is Yes.


2) The timeline starts when session dates are entered in the Assessment Report and the document is saved (the earliest session date starts the timeline).Subsequent changes to the School Received Consent Date will move the timeline start date accordingly. Once the timeline has ended with a Timeline End Date, the start date will no longer update (unless the Corrected Timeline Start field is completed).


NOTE: If a Consent Form 102c had been created, the Consent Given must be No Response (i.e., not Yes or No).




Consent is not required for 504 reevaluations. The reevaluation should be completed in a reasonable amount of time.