60-Day Timeline - How it Ends

This table is a supplement to the 60-Day Timeline document, which describes the timeline function in the Evaluation Status screen. 


NOTE: Once the Timeline End Date is set, any subsequent timeline corrections

must be made using the Corrected Timeline Start and Corrected Timeline End






For 504 evaluations, the following table describes when the timeline ends.


Situation Timeline Ends ... Location in eCSSS
Evaluation is withdrawn The date of the withdrawal Evaluation Status screen.
eCSSS ends the timeline when the Withdrawn Date is entered manually and the Evaluation Status document is saved. NOTE: Subsequent changes to the Withdrawn Date will move the time end accordingly.
Assumption: Will an evaluation be conducted? is Yes.
Student is found eligible. The date all services in the 504 Plan are available, regardless of their start dates. Evaluation Status screen.
eCSSS ends the timeline when the Service Availability Date is manually entered on the 504 Plan.
Assumption:  Will an evaluation be conducted? is Yes.
Student is found ineligible.
The date the parent is informed via Prior Written Notice that the student is found ineligible for services. Eligibility Determination and Prior Written Notice Eligibility screens.
eCSSS ends the timeline when the Eligibility Determination is set to No before the Prior Written Notice-Eligibility is saved with a Provided to Parent Date. NOTE: If several PWN documents exist, eCSSS uses the document with the earliest Provided to Parent Date as the timeline end date.
Assumption: In Evaluation Status, Will an evaluation be conducted? is Yes, regulation is 504.
Student is found eligible but parents revoked initial services.
The date the parent is informed via Prior Written Notice that the parent revoked consent to provide initial services.. The Provided to Parent Date of the Prior Written Notice attached to the Consent 102b.



For Chapter 60, the 60-Day Timeline ends based on the rules in the following table:  


Situation Timeline Ends ... Location in eCSSS
Eligibility decision is made The Eligibility Decision Date. Eligibility Determination screen.
eCSSS ends the timeline when the Eligibility Determination record is saved with an Eligibility Decision Date and the Filed Date, regardless of the student’s eligibility status.
If several Eligibility Determination records exist, eCSSS uses the record with the earliest Eligibility Decision Date, with a Filed Date.
A new version of the Eligibility Determination record is created The Eligibility Decision Date on the latest version of the Eligibility Determination record. Eligibility Determination screen.
eCSSS ends the timeline when the Eligibility Decision Date and the Filed Date are entered on the latest version of the Eligibility Determination record.
Assumption:  An earlier Eligibility Determination has not been created and locked.

Evaluation is withdrawn without an Eligibility Decision Date.

The Withdrawn Date. Evaluation Status screen.
If the Evaluation Status is saved with a Withdrawn Date, the Withdrawn Date ends the 60-Day Timeline.

Evaluation is withdrawn and an Eligibility Decision Date is entered.

The Eligibility Decision Date. Eligibility Determination screen.
eCSSS ends the timeline when the Eligibility Determination record is saved with an Eligibility Decision Date and the Filed Date.