Suspect Investigation

The Suspect Investigation tab identifies a student who is a suspect in an incident, and identifies which offenses the student is suspected of being involved in.


  1. Locate the student using LiveSearch.

  2. The Student ID, Gender, Grade and School will be displayed. Verify that the correct student has been selected.

  3. In the list of Offenses associated with the incident, highlight the Primary Offense for which the student is a suspect and click on the Set as Primary button. A checkmark will indicate that the offense is the primary offense for the student. Note that if the student is suspected of involvement in a Firearms offense, Firearms must be set as the Primary Offense.

  4. Highlight any Offenses for which the student is a suspect, and click on the Set as Suspected button.

  5. Highlight any Offenses in which the student was definitely involved, and click on the Set as Verified button.

  6. Select the Possible Motivation for the suspect's involvement in the incident. This is required.

  7. Enter any information provided by the suspect in the Suspect Statement text area.

  8. Note the context-sensitive information about the suspect.

  9. Click on the OK button to save the information, then go to the Disciplinary Actions tab.


See Also:

Disciplinary Actions tab

Notification tab

Related Information:




