
Record various types of notifications related to victim or suspect.


To Add a new Notification:


  1. On the Incident tab of the School Profile, open the appropriate incident.

  2. Select the Notifications tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter the following information:

    1. Notification Information

      1. Notification Type

      2. Student Name

      3. Notification Date

      4. Notification Time

      5. Notification Purpose

      6. Notification Method

      7. Notification Outcome

      8. Contacted By and Position (use the Import button or type in the contact person)


    2. Contact Details

      1. Person Contacted (use the Import button or type in the person contacted)

      2. Relationship to Student

      3. Address and Phone

  5. Click OK.


Proceed to enter information on the appropriate tab:



NOTE: The Investigation tab does not display for incidents logged after 6/8/2011. This tab has been moved to the Suspect form.