Active IEP/504 Plan Key Dates Reference Guide

Where the Report is Located


From the Navigation menu of eCSSS, select Reports, then select the report pictured below:


The DOE information database is refreshed every night at midnight. This includes information that comes off the VAX. Please keep in mind that your report results will reflect information that is current as of the last time the refresh was completed.


A Look at the Report



Report results are based on student records that meet specific criteria, which are detailed in How Student Records are Counted in Reports – Criteria (later in this document).


When you read this report, please be aware of the following:


·  Grade – This is the grade the student is currently in.

·  Most recent 504 Plan/IEP – This is the latest conference date that is tied to an 504 Plan or IEP (dates are recorded on the Actions tab).

·  Reading Assessment Required? – Indicates Yes if an assessment is required. Otherwise, this field remains blank. Please note:


RELATED REPORTS – Results from this report should match results in 3-Year Reevaluations CIMIP Benchmark report.

How Student Records are Counted in Reports – Criteria

All records must meet specific criteria to be counted in the reports. If student records are missing in your reports, please review the criteria below and correct your records, if appropriate.


1) BASIC CRITERIA - Records must match basic criteria for appropriate plan.

Review basic criteria for IEP.

Review basic criteria for 504 Plan.



The following criteria must be met relating to IEPs or 504 Plans and their Actual Conference Dates:

·  The student record will be counted if the student has an active IEP or 504 Plan … OR

·         If the student has an Actual Conference Date that is later than the 504 Plan Conference Date or IEP Conference Date in the last active plan