eCSSS Do's
DO save your work - Once you enter information into a screen, an asterisk (*) appears in the header. This means the information is unsaved. Save your work regularly.
DO use keyboard shortcuts - Save time by using keyboard shortcuts instead of your mouse.
DO use the Help Index - The Help Index provides definitions and step-by-step instructions for using eCSSS.
DO use caution when fields have red checkmarks - Enter information into these fields only when you are certain the document is complete and finalized.
DO log out when you are done - Click Logout from the Navigation Menu.
eCSSS Don'ts
DON'T click the X in top right corner - Clicking the X of your Web browser will cause you to lose unsaved work.
DON'T remain inactive for more than 90 minutes - If you do not perform a screen action (i.e. - either clicking a button or link) for more than 90 minutes, you will be automatically logged out and lose all unsaved work.