Naming Suspects

Naming suspects is part of logging an incident. Suspects are named on the Suspects tab of the Incidents screen.



To name suspects for the incident, do the following:

  1. On the Incident tab of the School Profile, open the appropriate incident.

  2. Select the Suspects tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Use LiveSearch to find the name of the suspect. This is a required field.



  5. Use drop-down list to name Possible Motivation. This is required.

  6. Enter Suspect Statement as text or check Statement on File to indicate that the statement is on file.

  7. Highlight the offense(s) to which the suspect is connected, then click Select. An X is displayed under Suspected.

  8. Upon completion of the investigation, if the suspect is verified as having been involved in the offense, highlight the Offense and click Verify. An X is displayed under Verified.

  9. Select the Police tab, if applicable.

  10. Enter Arrest Information, including Arrest Date, Arrest Time, Police Officer Name and Police Officer Badge Number.

  11. Enter Arrest Notification information about how the parent or guardian had been notified about the arrest. This includes Date of contact, Time of contact and name of Parent/Guardian.

  12. Click OK. Changes are saved, and you are returned to the Incident screen.


Proceed to enter information on the appropriate tab: