504 Plan-Goals and Objectives for Related Services

Use this tab to document Goals and Objectives for Related Services.




To document Goals and Objectives, do the following:

  1. After the 504 Plan is initiated, select the Goals and Objectives tab.

  2. Click Add Goal to display the 504 Plan Goal window. If a goal exists, edit it by clicking Open Goal.

  3. In the 504 Plan Goals window:

    1. Enter a Goal. The goal must be measurable and provide a clear statement that describes the new behavior/skill the student must demonstrate.

    2. Under Add Measurement, use the drop-down list to select a Measurement. The selected measurement will be used to determine whether the Goal has been met. Click Add Measurement to add the measurement.

    3. Click OK.

  4. The goal is now displayed in a grey row on the Goals and Objectives tab. You may edit the goal by clicking Open Goal.

  5. In that row, click Add Objective.

    1. Enter a short-term instructional objective that supports the goal.

    2. Click OK & Next to add more objectives.

    3. TIP - Copy objective - Or, after adding one objective, click OK. The objective is now indented under the goal. Click Copy Objective, and the 504 Plan Objective window is displayed with copied text that can be edited.

  6. If there are multiple goals, repeat the entire process from step 2.  

  7. Sort goals or objectives by clicking up.jpg to move an item up a row and down.jpg to move it down a row.

  8. Delete goals or objectives by clicking x.jpg.

  9. Proceed as appropriate to other areas of the 504 Plan:


More about 504 Plans: