504 Plan-PLEP

This tab displays Present Level of Educational Performance (PLEP) information.   




To view or modify PLEP information, do the following:

  1. After the 504 Plan is initiated, the PLEP tab is displayed.

  2. In the large text field, document PLEP information.

  3. To override or import PLEP content with information from Current Performance information from the latest Eligibility Determination:

    1. Click Import Performance.

    2. Information from the latest ED will be displayed in the 504 Plan PLEP Import screen. Click OK to proceed with the import.  

    3. The system asks you to confirm whether to clear the PLEP. Click OK.

    4. You can edit performance information as necessary.

      Changing the PLEP does not change the Eligibility tab of the 504 Plan.

  4. Proceed as appropriate to other areas of the 504 Plan:


More about 504 Plans: