ELL: Identify Students

The ELL Process:

  1. About English Language Learner (ELL)

  2. Identify Students

  3. Determine Need

  4. Place Student in Program

  5. Notify Parents

  6. Track Progress

  7. Indicate Alternate Test and/or IDEA/504 Accommodations

  8. Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress

  9. Summary Boxes in the ELL Worksheet


In the student's Demographics record in eSIS, if any of the following initial languages is not English, the student is qualified to received ELL supports:


Identified through Demographics

If the above is true, eCSSS automatically creates an ELL Worksheet in Student Profile > Supports > Programs.

Identified through Referral

If the above is not the case, but the school (e.g., teacher or other Student-Focused Team member) refers a student who may need ELL supports (e.g., low grades might indicate need), the school can manually create an ELL Worksheet in Student Profile > Supports > Programs. The school must enter referral information into the worksheet's Identification tab. 


Identified through Demographics


Students who are identified for ELL through their Demographics data will have an ELL Worksheet automatically created by eCSSS, as pictured in the highlighted row below on the Student Profile > Supports > Programs tab.




On the Identification tab of the ELL Worksheet, the Referral Source field will be set automatically to Enrollment Language.


Identified through Referral


If the Student-Focused Team refers the student to ELL (whether for first time or for re-entry), the school must do the following:


  1. Search for a student
  2. Select the Supports tab.
  3. Highlight Programs. The Actions menu will change.
  4. From the Actions menu, select New Program.
  5. From the Select Program modal window, to select English Language Learners (ELL). The ELL Worksheet is displayed.
  6. Enter the appropriate information on the Identification tab. Please note:
  7. When you are done, click Save, then Close.
  8. If it was required and when appropriate, return to this tab and enter the appropriate Home Language Survey information.
  9. Proceed to the next part of the process, which is to Determine Need.