About English Languge Learner (ELL)

The English Language Learner (ELL) functions in eCSSS provide a comprehensive set of tools that allows schools to serve students who need ELL supports, from identifying students, placing them in an ELL program, tracking their progress in the program and monitoring their progress once they exit the program. The ELL Worksheet in Student Profile > Supports > Programs is the central place where the school tracks the student throughout the ELL process.


The ELL Worksheet provides four summary boxes and several tabs that help guide the process.



The Start Program, Yearly Testing ELL IDEA/504 and Exit Program tabs appear conditionally, if the Identification, Initial Testing tabs contain data required for a student to start in an ELL program.


NOTE: A quick way to view the student's ELL status is to view the Student Profile > Status tab. The Status tab displays current information from the ELL Worksheet.  (Learn more.)


The ELL Process


The following is a description of the ELL process and a general reference for how and when the ELL Worksheet is used through the process. Links to step-by-step instructions are provided in context with the process description. If you do not need the background provided on this page, get started here.


1) Identify Students

In the student's Demographics record in eSIS, if any of the following initial languages is not English, the student is qualified to received ELL supports:


Identified through Demographics: If the above is true, eCSSS automatically creates an ELL Worksheet in Student Profile > Supports > Programs. All relevant fields in the worksheet's Identification tab are automatically completed.

Identified through Referral: If the above is not the case, but the school (e.g., teacher or other Student Team member) refers a student who may need ELL supports (e.g., low grades might indicate need), the school can manually create an ELL Worksheet in Student Profile > Supports > Programs. The school must enter referral information into the worksheet's Identification tab.  


[See instructions]


2) Determine Need

A student that is identified as a potential ELL student must be assessed for English language proficiency. This happens through the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test or WIDA Screener, but if a recent WIDA ACCESS for ELLs test has been taken, then the results of that test may be used. If previous test results exist and the student does not have to take the W-APT or WIDA Screener, then the Initial Testing status will display "Not Required":

If test results show:



[See instructions]


3) Place Student in Program

If test scores indicate the need for ELL supports, the school must place the student in a program. This is done on the Start Program tab of the ELL Worksheet. The Start Program tab appears only after the Identification and Initial Testing tabs contain sufficient data indicating the student needs to be in a program. Criteria to display the Start Program tab are based on the Referral Source.


[See instructions]


4) Notify Parents

Once a school places a student in a program, the school must notify the parents. The school can use eCSSS to generate the following letters:


Schools can either:


5) Track Progress

If the student is any one of the following, the student will take the annual WIDA ACCESS for ELLs:


Test results are loaded into eCSSS and are displayed in a number of places within the application.


[See instructions]


6) Indicate Alternate Test and/or IDEA/504 Accommodations

If applicable, the school can indicate whether the student is taking the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs test. In addition, the school can note accommodations that may apply when the test is administered.


[See instructions]


Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress

Once a student achieves a score on the ACCESS for ELLs test indicating English proficiency, the student is exited automatically from the program, and the system indicates this on the Exit Program tab of the ELL Worksheet. The school can manually exit the student for other reasons (e.g., the parent refused services). Once the student is exited, the school notifies the parent of the student's exit and that the student's progress will be monitored for two years. The school indicates the date of notification on the Exit Program tab.


[See instructions]