ELL: Summary Boxes in the ELL Worksheet

The ELL Process:

  1. About English Language Learner (ELL)

  2. Identify Students

  3. Determine Need

  4. Place Student in Program

  5. Notify Parents

  6. Track Progress

  7. Indicate Alternate Test and/or IDEA/504 Accommodations

  8. Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress

  9. Summary Boxes in the ELL Worksheet


The four summary boxes at the top of the ELL Worksheet provide information throughout the ELL Process. This document is a reference describing each summary box.



Identification Summary

Displays the required steps in the process for identifying students with ELL needs, placing them in an ELL Program and having parents notified.

  • HLS Reqd  - Home Language Survey is required. If the student is being referred by the Student Focused Team for the first time, this survey is required.

  • HLS Sent - Displays if the Sent to Parent Date is entered.

  • HLS Complete - Displays if the Survey Completed Date is entered.

  • Completed - Displays if all required data for the Identification tab is entered.

  • Not Reqd - If test results on record are sufficient, no testing is required.  
  • Required -  If the student is being referred for ELL services or Access to ELL test results on record are not current, the school must administer the W-APT (for  Kindergarten test level) or WIDA Screener (non-Kindergarten test level) and record results in eCSSS.
  • NLP Reqd - If the student's Listening CPL or Speaking CPL is 2.0 or lower for grades 1-12 or Listening & Speaking Raw Score is 10 or lower for Kindergarten, the school must administer the Native Language Proficiency (NLP) test and record the results in eCSSS.
  • Complete - If the testing requirements have been met, the testing process is complete, and the school can proceed with placement or exit the student if Initially Functionally English Proficient.  


  • Required  - If test results indicate the student qualifies for ELL services
  • Complete - Displays if the program Start Date is entered on the Start Program tab.


Parent Notif:
  • Required  - Displays if the program Start Date is entered on the Start Program tab

  • Complete - Displays if the parent Notification Date is entered on the Start Program tab.



Timeline Summary

Displays key dates in the 14 or 30 day timeline.

Day X of Y

Helps schools know how much time they have to provide ELL supports to the student.

Timeline Range:

The date the 14 or 30 day timeline starts and the date the timeline ends. The timelines are either 30 calendar days or 14 calendar days depending on first date of attendance for that child.

  • Period <= 2 weeks from start of new school year; 30 days from child’s attendance

  • Period > 2 weeks from start of new school year, 14 days from child’s attendance


The timeline range starts:

  • For students not referred (identified by Demographic record on eSIS), the timeline start date is the student's first instructional day.

  • For students who were referred by the Student Focused Team for the first time, the timeline start date is the Survey Completed Date.

  • For students who were referred by the Student Focused Team for re-entry into an ELL Program, the timeline start date is the Referral Date.


The timeline range ends 14 or 30 days after the timeline range start date.


Timeline Completed:

The timeline is completed in any of these situations:

  • The date the student is placed in a program and parent/guardian is notified
  • The date the student is deemed not eligible for ELL supports




Program Summary

Displays important statuses once the student is placed in an ELL Program.

Init. Proficiency Category:

The Proficiency and Service Category displayed is determined by the Placement Test indicator, ‘x’, in the Initial Testing tab.


Applies only to student who took the W-APT. Displays statuses according to W-APT scores.


Proficiency Category (as determined by W-APT score):

Entering, Level 1 = 1.0-1.9

Emerging, Level 2 = 2.0-2.9

Developing, Level 3 = 3.0-3.9

Expanding, Level 4 = 4.0-4.9

Bridging, Level 5 = 5.0-5.9

Reaching Level 6 = 6.0


Service Category - Services are categorized according to score:

Scores from 0.0 to 2.7 are NEP (Not English Proficient)

Scores from 2.8 to 4.7 are  LEP (Limited English Proficient)

Scores from 4.8 to 6.0 are FEP (Functionally English Proficient); and a 4.2 minimum literacy level is also required to be FEP


Applies only to student who took the WIDA Screener.  Displays statuses according to WIDA Screener scores.


Proficiency Category (as determined by WIDA Screener score):

Entering, Level 1 = 1.0-1.5

Emerging, Level 2 = 2.0-2.5

Developing, Level 3 = 3.0-3.5

Expanding, Level 4 = 4.0-4.5

Bridging, Level 5 = 5.0-5.5

Reaching Level 6 = 6.0


Service Category - Services are categorized according to score:

Scores from 0.0 to 2.5 are NEP (Not English Proficient)

Scores from 3.0 to 4.5 are  LEP (Limited English Proficient)

Scores from 5.0 to 6.0 are FEP (Functionally English Proficient).

Start Date:

The date the student was placed in an ELL program.


Current Proficiency/Category:

Displays statuses according to the most recent ACCESS for ELLs score.


Proficiency Category:

Entering, Level 1 = 1.0-1.9

Emerging, Level 2 = 2.0-2.9

Developing, Level 3 = 3.0-3.9

Expanding, Level 4 = 4.0-4.9

Bridging, Level 5 = 5.0-5.9

Reaching Level 6 = 6.0


Service Category - Services are categorized according to score:

Scores from 0.0 to 2.9 are NEP (Not English Proficient)

Scores from 3.0  to 4.9 are  LEP (Limited English Proficient)

Scores from 5.0 to 6.0 are FEP (Functionally English Proficient)


ELL Status:

K = Potential ELL (K)

J = Active ELL (J)

I = Initial Exit – Never ELL (I)

M = Monitored (M)

N = No Longer ELL (N)

L = Parent Refused Service (L)



The gain in overall score between the last two ACCESS for ELLs tests taken.


Exit Date:

The date the student was exited from an ELL program.


Monitor Until:

For monitored students, this date will be calculated as two full academic years after the Exit Date.



Annual ELP Test Summary

This table displays results of the student's most recent ACCESS for ELLs test.