Manage PSSAS Information for Students

Use the Supports tab of the Student Profile to manage Programs and Services for Secondary At-Risk Students (PSSAS) information for students. The PSSAS worksheet in eCSSS is where schools can collect  information about the student's eligibility in the PSSAS program.


PSSAS is previously known as Comprehensive School Alienation Program (CSAP). CSAP worksheets are no longer used by the DOE, but if a student has previous CSAP worksheets on file, they can be accessed through the student's Action Plan (AP).  For background on the program itself, see the Hawaii DOE PSSAS Web site.


To add a PSSAS worksheet for a student, do the following:


  1. Search for a student
  2. Select the Supports tab.
  3. Highlight the Programs.  The Actions menu will change.
  4. From the Actions menu, select New Program.  
  5. From the Select Program modal window, select PSSAS.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The At-Risk Indicators tab is where to enter data used to qualify whether the student is eligible to participate in PSSAS. Please note:
    1. At-Risk Assessment Date - Enter date.
    2. Status - This read-only field will display Enrolled if the Exit Date field (see Step 6) is blank. The field will display Exited and, if available, Reason (pictured below - see background on how Reasons are assigned).

      At-Risk Indicators
    3. Number of Courses Failed - Enter number.
    4. Number of Days Absent - Enter number.
    5. Number of Grade Levels Retained - Enter number.
    6. Number of Ch. 19 Incidents - This field is based on the number of Incidents selected from a list displaying records 12 months prior to the At-Risk Assessment Date, or if not available, the current date.
    7. Adjudicated - Select Yes or No.
    8. Enrolled in PSSAS Last School Year - Select Yes or No.
    9. Number of Other At-Risk Indicators - The school can enter a number at its discretion.
    10. TOTAL - The sum of all indicators. All indicators listed above are scored at 0 or 1, except for Other At-Risk Indicators, whose score is the number entered.
    11. Concerns - Click Add to select applicable Concerns.  Selected Concerns will be displayed in the Concerns tab.
  8. The Program Supports tab is where to indicate enrollment and exit information. Please note:
  9. Click Save then Close.  The worksheet is now listed on the Supports tab under Program.