The Status tab on the Student Profile displays students' academic and assessment information as well as their SIS student status information and other potentially confidential information not appropriate for the Demographics tab.
The information is imported daily from SIS, with only the most current demographic information is displayed. The following read-only information is displayed:
Lunch Status - This information is taken from eSIS. The available codes are:
Certified by Hawaii Department of Human Services
Parent Refusal
Free Eligible (equivalent to Free, for use by non-participating National School Lunch Program schools)
Reduced Eligible (equivalent to Reduced, for use by non-participating National School Lunch Program schools)
Eligible (equivalent to Denied, for use by non-participating National
School Lunch Program schools)
ICY - This field displays the student's Immigrant Children and Youth (ICY) status. You can provide input by clicking on Open ICY Worksheet from the Actions menu.
Early Learning Program (Last Update Date) - When applicable, this field displays the student's early learning program - either Executive Office on Early Learning (EOEL) or KALO - and when the student's last update was made.
Blank - Programs not applicable to student.
EOEL (mm/dd/yyyy)
Exited EOEL (mm/dd/yyyy)
KALO (mm/dd/yyyy)
Exited KALO (mm/dd/yyyy)
ELL Status - Displays the status as recorded in the student's ELL record.
Potential ELL (K)
Active ELL (J)
Initial Exit – Never ELL (I)
Monitored (M)
No Longer ELL (N)
Refused Service (L)
Proficiency - Displays the student's language proficiency as recorded in the student's ELL record.
Entering, Level 1 = 1.0-1.9
Emerging, Level 2 = 2.0-2.9
Developing, Level 3 = 3.0-3.9
Expanding, Level 4 = 4.0-4.9
Bridging, Level 5 = 5.0-5.9
Reaching Level 6 = 6.0
ELL Monitor Until Date
ELL Action Code - This is the latest action taken on the student's ELL record.
Clerical Error/HLS (01)
Clerical Error (01)
HLS Indicates Not ELL (01)
ELP Exit Criteria Met (03)
Parent Refused Service (04)
Initial Exit FEP (06)
Return to ELL (50)
Language Information -This box displays information taken from eSIS or the student's ELL record.
Student's First Acquired Language
Language most often spoken at home
most often used by student
Student Assessments - Assessment information is presented in a new window when you click Display Student Assessments from the Actions menu.