Suspect Offenses Tab

The Offenses tab on the Suspect form is tied to the Incident record entered via the School Profile. Offense information may have been entered earlier on the Incident form. Otherwise, offense information can be entered on the Offenses tab of the Suspect form.  


To view or update offenses in the Suspect form:

  1. Search for a student then select the Incidents tab.

  2. Highlight the incident, then click Open Suspect Form.

  3. From the Suspect Form, select the Offenses tab.

  4. Select a Possible Motivation.

  5. Enter the Suspect Statement as text or check the Statement on File checkbox to indicate that the statement is on file.

  6. The offenses in the Offenses list box are based on offenses logged by the school in the Incident record.  A student is not associated to a specific offense until being marked as a Suspect or a Suspect who is Verified.


Proceed to enter information on the appropriate tab: