Request Service Provider

Schools request service providers after services are provisioned in formal plans (i.e., 504 Plan or IEP). Before requesting a service provider, please note the following:


NOTE: For services added to the IEP-Services tab under Special Education and Related Services, the provider is assigned on the Referral > IEP (instructions below). However, for Supplementary Aids and Services, the provider is assigned on the Student Profile > Supports tab.


To request a service, do the following:

  1. Search for a student and select the appropriate Referral.

  2. Expand PLAN.

  3. Expand the appropriate plan (i.e., 504 Plan or IEP) and highlight the appropriate Service.

  4. Select Service Providers from the Actions menu. The Request Service Provider window will open.

  5. Click Add at the bottom left of the window.

  6. Use the drop-down list to select a Service Provider. Only Student Team members who have a Position within the DOE can be selected. A position indicates that the team member has a user profile in eCSSS.

  7. Click OK & Next to request more providers for the service. Otherwise, click OK. Selected providers are displayed under Provider Name.

  8. Click Save then Close.

Inactivate a Service Provider


You can indicate whether a service provider is inactive by highlighting the individual, then clicking Inactivate. This indicator is for information only and does not affect the provider's access to the Service Log.



For an overview of the overall process, see Student Support Process - Quick Guide.