ELL: Track Progress

The ELL Process:

  1. About English Language Learner (ELL)

  2. Identify Students

  3. Determine Need

  4. Place Student in Program

  5. Notify Parents

  6. Track Progress

  7. Indicate Alternate Test and/or IDEA/504 Accommodations

  8. Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress

  9. Summary Boxes in the ELL Worksheet


If the student is any one of the following, the student will take the annual WIDA ACCESS for ELLs:


Test results are loaded into eCSSS and are displayed in a number of places within the application.


Learn more about statuses that appear in summary boxes of the ELL Worksheet.  


Using the Yearly Testing Tab


The Yearly Testing tab provides detailed information about test scores and other information related to the tests, including notes entered by the school.




How Tier is Determined


The tier is determined automatically by the application at the time that the Metritech booklets are ordered. This usually takes place in December and the tier calculation is based on either the most recent ACCESS for ELLs test results or the student’s W-APT results at the time the order is placed. Subsequent changes will not result in re-calculation of the tier. Rules for determining the tier are in the following priority:

  1. If the Alternate Assessment flag on the most recent ELL worksheet is checked (on the ELL IDEA/504 tab) then tier = ‘Alt’

  2. If the student is in Kindergarten then tier = ‘-‘

  3. Returning students (i.e. with Action Code 50) are assigned tier = ‘C’

  4. Based on the most recent ACCESS for ELLs (using Test Date) or W-APT (using Date Administered) with a valid Overall Proficiency, calculate the tier. The calculation depends on the type of assessment being used and information available. Rules are as follows:

    1. If using ACCESS for ELLs:
      Tier                Overall
      Tier A:           1-2.4 (Note, if overall is at least 2.0 and comprehension is 4.0 and above, select Tier B.
      Tier B:           2.5-3.8 (Note, if overall is at least 3.0 and comprehension is 5.0 and above, select Tier C)
      Tier C:           3.9-6 (and, if overall is at least 3.0 and comprehension is 5.0 and above, select Tier C)

    2. If using W-APT (non-Kindergarten Test Level):
      Tier                Overall
      Tier A:           1-2.4 (Note, if overall is at least 2.0 and (listening or reading is 4.0 and above), select Tier B.)
      Tier B:           2.5-3.8 (Note, if overall is at least 3.0 and (listening or reading is 5.0 and above), select Tier C.)
      Tier C:           3.9-6

    3. If using W-APT (Kindergarten Test Level – could be a Kindergarten student or from first semester of Grade 01):
      Tier               Overall Service Category
      Tier A:           NEP
      Tier B:           LEP
      Tier C:           FEP

  5. In the event that a tier cannot be determined using the rules above, then tier = ‘B’



Proceed to the next part of the process, which is to Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress.