ELL: Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress

The ELL Process:

  1. About English Language Learner (ELL)

  2. Identify Students

  3. Determine Need

  4. Place Student in Program

  5. Track Progress

  6. Indicate Alternate Test and/or IDEA/504 Accommodations

  7. Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress

  8. Summary Boxes in the ELL Worksheet


Once a student achieves a score on the ACCESS for ELLs test indicating English proficiency, the student is exited automatically from the program, and the system automatically indicates this on the Exit Program tab of the ELL Worksheet.


The school can manually exit the student for other reasons (e.g., the parent refused services). Once the student is exited, the school notifies the parent of the student's exit and that the student's progress will be monitored for two years. The school indicates the date of notification on the Exit Program tab.

The school can manually exit the student for other reasons (e.g., the parent refused services).


  1. Search for a student
  2. Select the Supports tab.
  3. Expand Programs.
  4. Highlight the ELL Worksheet you need to update. The Actions menu will change.
  5. Select Open Program. The ELL Worksheet is displayed.
  6. Select the Exit Program tab.
  7. Enter the following:
  8. Click Save then Close.