ELL: Determine Need

The ELL Process:

  1. About English Language Learner (ELL)

  2. Identify Students

  3. Determine Need

  4. Place Student in Program

  5. Notify Parents

  6. Track Progress

  7. Indicate Alternate Test and/or IDEA/504 Accommodations

  8. Exit Student from Program, Monitor Progress

  9. Summary Boxes in the ELL Worksheet


A student that is identified as a potential ELL student must be assessed for English language proficiency. This happens through the WIDA ACCESS Placement Test or WIDA Screener, but if a recent WIDA ACCESS for ELLs test has been taken, then the results of that test may be used. If previous test results exist and the student does not have to take the W-APT or WIDA Screener, then the Initial Testing status will display "Not Required":

If test results show:


Entering W-APT and Native Language Proficiency Results


Note: As of School Year 2017-2018, W-APT will be used for Kindergarten test level only. WIDA Screener will be administered to non-Kindergarten test level students in grades 1 - 12.


After administering the W-APT, the school must enter results manually into the Initial Testing tab of the ELL Worksheet. If the student is grade 1 - 12 and scored 2.0 or lower in Listening or Speaking, or is in Kindergarten and scored 10 or lower in Listening & Speaking Raw Score on the W-APT, the school is required to administer the Native Language Proficiency (NLP) test and enter the results on the Initial Testing tab.


  1. Search for a student
  2. Select the Supports tab.
  3. Expand Programs.
  4. Highlight the ELL Worksheet you need to update. The Actions menu will change.
  5. Select Open Program. The ELL Worksheet is displayed.
  6. Select the Initial Testing tab.
  7. Click Add W-APT Results in the Actions menu. The W-APT Results modal window is displayed.
  8. The Date Administered field defaults to today's date. Change it as appropriate.
  9. Click Import to select who the test was Administered By.
  10. Click Auto-Set Test Level/Criteria. You will see this:


Click OK.

Background: The DOE uses a system that weighs actual scores against where the student is in school (his or her grade level and semester), the expectation being that scores should be higher as the student moves through the curriculum.

Clicking the Auto-Set Test Level/Criteria simply re-adjusts the Test Level, Grade and Semester fields according to what you enter in Date Administered and student demographics information. The entries in these fields affect the calculations in the Results box, explained in the next step.

  1. If Kindergarten, in the Results box:


  1. If Grades 1 through 12 *, in the Results box:


*Note: As of School Year 2017-2018, W-APT scores can be entered for Kindergarten test level only.

The adjusted scores are based on the following formulas:



When you are satisfied with your entries, click OK.

  1. You are taken back to the Initial Testing tab. Note that your entries populate the boxes. The scores determine:
  2. When you are done, click Save, then Close.
  3. Proceed to the next part of the process, which is to Place Student in Program.  


Entering WIDA Screener and Native Language Proficiency Results

As of School Year 2017-2018, W-APT will be used for Kindergarten test level only. WIDA Screener will be administered to non-Kindergarten test level students in grades 1 – 12.


After administering the WIDA Screener, the school must enter results manually into the Initial Testing tab of the ELL Worksheet. If the student scored 2.0 or lower in Listening or Speaking on the WIDA Screener, the school is required to administer the Native Language Proficiency (NLP) test and enter the results on the Initial Testing tab.


NOTE:  WIDA Screener results are calculated outside eCSSS application. Schools must enter the proficiency levels for each domain based on the WIDA Screener Calculator results.


  1. Search for a student.
  2. Select the Supports tab.
  3. Expand Programs.
  4. Highlight the ELL Worksheet you need to update. The Actions menu will change.
  5. Select Open Program. The ELL Worksheet is displayed.
  6. Select the Initial Testing tab.
  7. Click Add WIDA Screener in the Actions menu. The WIDA Screener Results modal window is displayed.
  8. The Date Administered field defaults to today's date. Change it as appropriate.
  9. Click Import to select who the test was Administered By.
  10. Select Method of Administration.
  11. The Student Grade Level field defaults to the student’s current grade level.  Change it as appropriate.
  12. Select Test Form Option.
  13. Select Path Administered. If Path B is selected, the Writing and Speaking proficient levels default to 1.0 and can not be changed.
  14. Enter proficiency levels only (not raw scores) in the Proficiency Levels section:
  1. When you are satisfied with your entries, click OK.
  2. Proceed to the next part of the process, which is to Place Student in Program.