About Individualized Education Program (IEP)

This document provides an overview of Individualized Education Program (IEP). If you do not need an overview, skip this page and proceed with developing an IEP.


What is an IEP?


An IEP is a program for students who are eligible for IDEA services. The program describes the student's academic achievement and functional performance, defines the learning goals, and lists all services and supports the student will receive. The IEP reflects the shared decision-making of the student's parents, the Student Team and other individuals responsible for providing services to the student.


IEP Status Description


As you create new IEPs, these status labels will be assigned by eCSSS:



Types of IEPs



Get details about what information copies into a new IEP.


IMPORTANT NOTE: IEP types are assigned by eCSSS depending on the type of evaluation being conducted or where the IEP is in the IEP cycle. For example, eCSSS will not allow an Initial IEP to be created for a reevaluation. The link to create an Annual IEP or a Revision IEP becomes available only when there is already an active initial or reevaluation IEP in eCSSS.


Brief Overview of the IEP Cycle


Prior to developing an IEP, the Student Team must take the referral through steps outlined in the Student Support Process (SSP). Once the referral is in the Develop Plan stage, the IEP is developed and updated via Annual and Revision IEPs.


The outline below is an example of the path an IEP may follow as displayed on the referral tree. This outline is abbreviated to demonstrate when IEP types take effect. Important procedures (e.g., conferences, PWNs, Service Records, Progress Reports, etc.) will display for their corresponding IEPs on the eCSSS Referral Tab.




Initial IEP created.

    1. Initial IEP (must be activated before a Revision or Annual IEP can be created)

    2. Revision IEP

    3. Revision IEP




Annual IEP

    1. Annual IEP (must be activated before a Revision IEP or a new Annual IEP can be created)




Annual IEP

    1. Annual IEP (must be activated before a Revision or a new Annual IEP can be created)

    2. Revision IEP




A new referral is created. The Evaluation Worksheet must set the Evaluation Type as Reevaluation.


Reevaluation (NOTE: This can be either a Reevaluation/Revision or Reevaluation/Annual IEP)

    1. Reevaluation IEP (must be activated before a Revision or Annual IEP can be created)

    2. Revision IEP

    3. Revision IEP




Annual IEP

    1. Annual IEP (must be activated before a Revision or a new Annual IEP can be created)

    2. Revision IEP


See instructions: