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Reports Index

This index provides an overview and descriptions for all reports in the eCSSS Reports function. For basic instructions for how to create reports, see About Reports.






Below are areas that eCSSS provides reports for. Clicking a link takes you to a list of reports, descriptions and samples. NOTE: To close sample pop-ups, click outside the pop-up window.






System Admin

User Access


- GT

- Legacy





- Allocations

- Benchmarks

- Child Count

- Eligibility

- Evaluation

- IEP/504 Plan

- Services

- Student Profile

- Administrator Use Only

- Individual Student

- Suspensions

- School-wide

- Truancy

- Aggregate

- Student


(no sub sections)

only available with special security rights

(no sub sections)





CSSS Reports


Report Name


Legacy Reports - The following reports are no longer actively used and are retained for reference.



Aggregate Active Students with APs by ELL, Free/Reduced, SPED, 504

Description:  Bar graphs providing information about the numbers of students enrolled at schools with APs with a Filed Date within the selected School Year parameter, and who are identified in eCSSS as ELL, Free/Reduced Meals, SpEd, and 504.  


Required parameter(s):  School year


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP

-Status Tab

-Program Tab > Eligibility Information >Eligibility Regulation


[See sample]


Aggregate Active Students with Current APs by District/Area/Complex/School

Description: Listing that provides information about the number and percentage of students enrolled at schools with APs with a Filed Date within the selected School Year parameter.


Required parameter(s):  School year


Sources of Information:

- Referral Tab  > AP


[See sample]


Aggregate Active Students with Current APs by Performance

Description: Bar graph shows the numbers of students enrolled at schools with APs with a Filed Date within the selected School Year parameter, and who have Performance Category/Attributes on the AP - Current Performance tab. Corresponding data table provides the numbers and percentages of the total with selected Performance Category/Attributes.


Required parameter(s):  School year, Strength or Challenge, District


Sources of Information:

- Referral tab > AP > Current Performance tab.


[ See sample]


Aggregate for Active Non-Proficient Students

Description: Bar chart showing counts for students tested at each school, along with total number of students who were non-proficient, and the total number of non-proficient students receiving CSSS Services.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, Select Field to Aggregate (i.e. Math or Reading), District


Sources of Information:

-Status Tab > HSA Information > Math or Reading Proficiency

- Referral tab > AP > Current Performance tab.


[See sample]

  Aggregate for Active Non-Proficient Students by District/Area/Complex/School

Description: Displays counts for students tested by district, complex area and school, along with total number of students who were non-proficient, and the total number of non-proficient students receiving CSSS Services.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, Select Field to Aggregate (i.e. Math or Reading), District


Sources of Information:

-Status Tab > HSA Information > Math or Reading Proficiency

- Referral tab > AP > Current Performance tab.


[See sample]

  Aggregate for Active Students with Current APs

Description: Bar chart showing aggregate totals of selected aggregation (Classroom Intervention, Ethnicity, Gender, Grade, Service, Service Level) for active students who have APs.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, Select Field to Aggregate, District


Sources of Information:

- Referral tab > AP > Current Performance tab.


[See sample]

  Aggregate Graduation of Grade 12 PPT Students

Description: Breaks down the number of 12th graders in the PPT program Certificated, GED/C-Base and Regular School Diploma.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP > Service > PPT Supplement


[See sample]


Aggregate Trimesters for Pregnant Teen Students

Description: Chart showing number/percentage of pregnant students in first, second or third trimester.

Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP > Service > PPT Supplement


[ See sample]

  Counseling Services Summary

Description: Summary report on individuals providing counseling services at schools. For each counselor, the report shows a summary of all counseling services, plus logs of services for individuals and groups.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

- Supports Tab


[See sample]


Classification of Pregnant/Parent Teen Students

Description: Show number of PPT students who are Pregnant Teens, Teen Mothers, Pregnant Teens / Teen Mothers, and Teen Fathers.


Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

Referral Tab > AP > Service > PPT Supplement


[See sample]


Demographics of Active PSAP Students

Description: List of students in PSAP and includes demographic information (e.g., Gender, Ethnicity) as well as involvement in other programs/supports (e.g., ELL, SpEd, 504).


Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

-Referral > AP > PSAP Service


[See sample]


Demographics of Active Students with Current APs

Description: This report provides a listing for schools of actively enrolled students with current Action Plans (APs) by grade. A current AP is the most recent AP created by the current school. The totals and percentages shown in this report are based on the filters selected.  


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP

-Status Tab

-Program Tab > Eligibility Information > Eligibility Regulation


[See sample]


Non-Proficient HSA Scores and CSSS Services for Active Students

Description:  Vertical bar graphs yield information about the number of students who are enrolled at schools and have an AP with a Filed Date and/or Support Package Start Date within the selected School Year parameter and an HSA score reflecting a Non-Proficient rating for Reading/Math. The corresponding student listing provides individual information including identified demographic status (ELL, SPED, Free/Reduced Meal, 504), proficiency ratings and scores for selected/last HSA data available and an itemization of AP/Support Package Supports.


Required parameter(s):  School Year,  School


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP

-Status Tab > HSA Information > Math or Reading Proficiency

-Program Tab > Eligibility Information > Eligibility Regulation


[See sample]


PPT Students by School

Description: Lists PPT students by Student ID, Gender and Grade.


Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP > Service > PPT Supplement


[See sample]


Primary Concerns and Services for Active Students with APs

(Formerly: Primary Concerns and Services for Active Students with RFAs)

Description: This report provides a listing of primary concerns and services of Action Plans (APs) for all actively enrolled students. This report also includes APs created at former schools.


Required parameter(s):  School Year,  District


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP

-Status Tab > HSA Information > Math or Reading Proficiency

-Program Tab > Eligibility Information > Eligibility Regulation


[See sample]


Primary Concerns/Services/Service Levels for Active Students with APs

Description: This report provides a listing of primary concerns, services and service levels of Action Plans (APs) for all actively enrolled students. This report also includes APs created at former schools.

Required parameter(s):  School Year,  District


Sources of Information:

-Referral Tab > AP

-Status Tab

-Program Tab > Eligibility Information > Eligibility Regulation


[See sample]


Programs/Services and Levels for Active Students with APs

(Formerly : Programs/Services and Levels for Active Students with RFAs)

Description: This report provides a listing of programs/services and levels of Action Plans (APs) for all actively enrolled students.  This report also includes APs created at former schools.


Required parameter(s):  School Year,  District


Sources of Information:

Referral Tab > AP

-Status Tab

-Program Tab > Eligibility Information > Eligibility Regulation


[See sample]

[Go back]




Annual English Language Proficiency Test

Description: Provides program staff and administration with information relating to the annual ELP test.

Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

-Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]


ELL Monitoring - Detailed Progress Analysis

Description: Provides program staff and administrators with information relating to the service category and progress of students in the English Language Learners (ELL) program.


Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

-Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]


ELL Monitoring - Timeline and Program Monitoring

Description: Provides program staff and/or administrators with detailed information regarding the status of students being evaluated for services as well as those students already in the ELL program.


Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

-Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]


Immigrant Children and Youth (ICY) Count

Description: Provides aggregated counts of ICY students on the designated ICY count date for a particular school year.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, Aggregate By


Sources of Information:

-Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]


Immigrant Children and Youth (ICY) Status

Description: Displays active students and their ICY status.


Required parameter(s):  Immigrant Status, Country of Birth


Sources of Information:

-Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]


Language Discrepancy

Description: Identifies student with initial language codes all English that have subsequently recorded one or more language(s) as non English.


Required parameter(s):  Include Pre-Enrolled, ELL Status


Sources of Information:

-Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]


Language of Students

Description: Provides information on enrolled and/or attending students and their languages, both initial and current.


Required parameter(s):  Incoming Only, Exclude All English


Sources of Information:

-Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]

  Language Summary

Description: Tracks students entered in eCSSS and serviced by CSAP, sorted by school. Each CSAP serviced student in a school is listed by Name, Student ID, Gender, Grade, and Date Enrolled.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, Report Language, Aggregate By


Sources of Information:

- Supports Tab

-Status Tab


[See sample]

[Go back]



Gifted and Talented Students - Aggregate

Description: Provides aggregate information about Gifted and Talented program students by Area of Giftedness.


Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

- Supports Tab


[See sample]


Gifted and Talented Students -Detail

Description: Provides detailed information about Gifted and Talented program enrollment by student.


Required parameter(s):  School Year


Sources of Information:

- Supports Tab


[See sample]

[Go back]



PCNC Monthly Communications

Description:  Lists all PCNC communications by month and the type of communication. For each communication, the report shows the Date, the name of the Activity, the Length of the activity, the Organizer, who the Target was, the Primary and Secondary Purpose, and the specific type of communication.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab > Activity Plan

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab > Activity Input


[See sample]


PCNC Monthly Organizers


Description:  Lists who organized each of the various PCNC activities by month. The report also shows the Primary Purpose of the activity, the Target of the activity, whether the activity is Linked to Academic and/or Student Support Goals, and the total Number of Participants in the activity.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab >  Activity Plan

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab > Activity Input


[See sample]


PCNC Monthly Participants


Description:  Lists the number of people in various PCNC roles who participated in the various activities by month.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab > Activity Plan

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab > Activity Input


[See sample]


PCNC Monthly Summary


Description:  Provides a monthly summary of all expenses and contributions resulting from the various PCNC activities.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab  > Activity Plan

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab > Activity Input


[See sample]


PCNC Monthly Volunteers


Description:  Lists the number of hours and the value of volunteer time contributed to PCNC activities.


Required parameter(s):  School Year, District


Sources of Information:

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab> Activity Plan

-School Profile > Community Activities Tab > Activity Input


[See sample]


[Go back]



PSAP School Profile Description: Provides aggregate counts and percentages of PSAP program information by school.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]
  PSAP School Statistical Summary (Condensed Printable) Description: Provides aggregate counts and percentages of student's receiving PSAP services by school in a condensed format.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]
  PSAP School Statistical Summary (Full-Length) Description: Provides aggregate counts and percentages of student's receiving PSAP services by school.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]
  PSAP State Statistical Summary Description: Provides aggregate counts and percentages of PSAP program information by school.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]
  PSAP Student Information Report (Condensed Printable) Description: Provides aggregate counts and percentages of student PSAP program information by school in a condensed format.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]
  PSAP Student Information Report (Full-Length) Description: Provides aggregate counts and percentages of student PSAP program information by school.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]

[Go back]


CSSS-PSSAS PSSAS Student Information Report (Condensed) Description: Provides student PSSAS program information including at-risk indicators, program supports and outcomes by school in a condensed format.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]
  PSSAS Student Information Report (Full-Length) Description: Provides student PSSAS program information including at-risk indicators, program supports and outcomes by school.
Required parameter(s): School Year
Sources of Information:
-Student Profile > Supports tab
[See sample]


[Go back]




SpEd Reports


Report Name




Enrollment Verification (Daily)


(Formerly: Enrollment Verification Report)

Description: Provides State, districts and schools a reference for accurate enrollment information.


Required parameter(s): School Year


For: State, Districts and schools


[See Sample]


Staffing Allocation Verification (Daily)


Description: Provides list of students and their program placements for State, District and schools to reference for accurate staffing allocation


Required parameter(s): School Year


For: Staffing personnel at State, Districts and school personnel


Why this report is useful: Maintain accurate documentation of staffing positions for State, districts and schools


[See Sample]


[Go back]



Benchmark Report - MP/IEP Data - Monthly



(Formerly: Felix Benchmark Report - IEP/MP Data - Monthly )

Description: Counts and percentages of MPs or IEPs that have met benchmarks for being current (at least 99% must be current) or activated (at least 95% must be activated). Report header contains more details on how records are counted. Must select IEP Date parameters.


Required parameter(s):  School Year


For: School, complex, district and State staff


[See Sample]


Benchmark Report - Reading Assessment Aggregate Data

Description: Aggregate data report showing whether schools reached the benchmark that 95%  of all SPED students will have a reading assessment or alternative assessment conducted within 90 days prior to the annual review of the IEP.


Required parameter(s): School Year


For: Monitoring and compliance.


Why this report is useful: Students are assessed in reading annually, and the DOE uses this report to  evaluate progress and program effectiveness


[See Sample]


Reading Assessment Data (Monthly)

Description: Monthly data report showing whether schools reached the benchmark that 95%  of all SPED students will have a reading assessment or alternative assessment conducted within 90 days prior to the annual review of the IEP.


Required parameter(s): School Year


[See Sample]


Reading Assessment Longitudinal Data

Description: This report lists IDEA students' reading assessment data from their Initial, Annual or Reeval/Annual IEPs. Results are limited to date range specified by user.


Required parameter(s): School Year, IEP Date


[See Sample]


[Go back]


SpEd-Child Count

Child Count Verification - Daily

Description: This report will be used by schools to maintain accurate Child Count data through the year.


NOTE: Once you generate the report, the first few pages provide detailed information explaining the results in the report.


Required parameter(s): School Year


For: School, complex, district and State staff


[See Sample]


Child Count Verification - Frozen as of 12/01/2008



Description: This report includes students who are not physically attending your school, but your school is responsible for their records (i.e., out of state placement, detention/correctional facility, home school and receiving services, in-flight). IMPORTANT: This report reflects data entered into eCSSS by 12/1/2008.  Please verify the accuracy of your school's list by Friday, December, 5, 2008.


NOTE: Once you generate the report, the first few pages provide detailed information explaining the results in the report.


Required parameter(s): School Year


For: School, complex, district and State staff


[See Sample]


Summary of Child Count Data Discrepancies - Daily

Description: This report allows schools to identify the number of corrections and/or additions of missing information needed on student records in order to be verified for Child Count.


Required parameter(s): School Year


For: School, complex, district and State staff


[See Sample]


Summary of Child Count Data Discrepancies Frozen as of 12/01/2008

Description: This report allows schools to identify the number of corrections and/or additions of missing information needed on student records as of 12/1/2008 in order to be verified for Child Count.


Required parameter(s): School Year


For: School, complex, district and State staff


[See Sample]


[Go back]



504 Student Count

Description: Number of 504 students.


If running a report for a school, select Aggregate by School then proceed to add another parameter that identifies the school.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate by


For: All levels


Why this report is useful: The purpose of this report is to provide 504 coordinators with an aggregate count of 504-eligible students who are entitled to receive services via their most recent MP, regardless of the draft/active status


[See Sample]


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Description: This report shows IDEA-eligible students who have Eligibility Category = 'Autism' and/or have ASD = 'Yes' on their most recent Eligibility Determination with a Filed Date.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: All levels


Why this report is useful: The purpose of this report is to ensure that students who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder receive appropriate services as documented in their IEP


[ See Sample]


IDEA and 504 Students Receiving Services

Description: Report identifies IDEA- and 504-eligible students who are receiving services  


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: All levels


Why this report is useful: This can also be used by school, complex, district and state staff to monitor compliance.


[See Sample]


IDEA Student Count

Description: Number of IDEA students.


If running a report for a school, select Aggregate by School then proceed to add another parameter that identifies the school.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate by


[See Sample]


IDEA Student Eligibility Category - Aggregate

Description: This presents  all IDEA Eligibility Categories and the count of students who are eligible in for services those categories.  


You can aggregate the count by adding parameters such as Ethnicity, Grade, Gender and others. You can further break down the report by adding the parameters Group by District (Yes/No), Group by Complex  (Yes/No) and Group by School (Yes/No). If running a school-level report, the Group by parameters do not apply.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate by


For; SPP. State, District


Why this report is useful: Info needed in these categories for Federal data collection. State, Districts can monitor numbers of these groupings for the District and schools


[See Sample]


IDEA Students by Eligibility Category

Description: Provides a listing of IDEA students by their Eligibility Categories. You can further break down the report by adding the parameters Group by District (Yes/No), Group by Complex  (Yes/No) and Group by School (Yes/No). If running a school-level report, the Group by parameters do not apply.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: SPP, State, District


Why this report is useful: Reports containing these eligibility categories are required for federal data collection. State, Districts can monitor groupings for the district, complex and schools.


[See Sample]


Preschool Eligible Students

Description: This reports shows all preschoolers who are IDEA-eligible by district, school, complex and school.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School, complex, district and state staff


Why this report is useful: This report is used by schools to maintain accurate data for preschoolers throughout the school year. This report also can be used by complex, district and state staff to monitor compliance and allocation.


[See Sample]


Preschool Eligible Students Summary

Description: This report shows the total number of preschool student who are eligible for services.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School, complex, district and state staff


[See Example]


SPED Student Count by Eligibility Category

Description: To obtain special education aggregate totals by Grade and eligibility category.  Child Count only has totals by age and eligibility category.  


You can further break down the report by adding the parameters Group by District (Yes/No), Group by Complex  (Yes/No) and Group by School (Yes/No). If running a school-level report, the Group by parameters do not apply.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: Complex, district and state staff


[See Sample]


[Go back]



3-Year Reevaluations: CIMIP Benchmark

Description: This report aggregates the number of IDEA-eligible students by those with and without current evaluations. 3-Year Reevaluation Benchmark: 99% of IDEA eligible students will have a current evaluation. An evaluation is considered current if it has been less than 3 years since the previous evaluation. The Reevaluation must be completed (Eligibility Determination and IEP) by the Reevaluation Due Date.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: SPP, state, district, schools


[See Sample]


60-Day Timeline

Description: This report includes evaluations with a Referral Received Date between the date range specified by the user. Pending evaluations are flagged in red.


Referral Received date range parameter entries are required to run this report.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Referral Received Date


For: SPP, state, district, schools


[See Sample]


60-Day Timeline Pending Evaluations

Description: This report lists 60-Day timeline data for Referrals with Received Dates in the range specified by the user.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Referral Received Date, District


[See Sample]


Benchmark Report - 60-Day Timeline IDEA Aggregate

Description: This report lists 60-Day timeline data for Referrals with Received Dates in the range specified by the user.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate by, Timeline Due Date, Referral Received Date


For: SPP, state, district, schools


Why this report is useful: Reports containing these categories are required for federal data collection. State, Districts can monitor groupings for complex, schools.


[See Sample]


Pending Assessments by Assessment Type

Description: This report lists students with Assessments that have been requested but have not yet been submitted by the Assessor.  


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Referral Received Date


For: SPP, State, District, Schools


Why this report is useful: Accurate accounting of eligible students in the state for Federal data collection. State, District monitoring of placement status of eligible students


[See Sample]


Preschool Services by Age 3

Description:  This report only includes initial evaluations for students whose 3rd birthday falls between June 1st and May 31st of the next year.  All data in this report have been obtained exclusively from SpEd records.  Records need to be updated to correct this report.


"Days to Process Evaluation" - Red print indicates that the evaluation was greater than 60 days.


"Service Availability Date" - Red print indicates that services were not available by the child's 3rd birthday.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: District and State Staff


Why this report is useful: This report will be used to meet OSEP data requirements for the State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Reports. Benefit: The State will meet OSEP requirements and continue to receive IDEA funds. All children who have transitioned to the DOE from a Part C Early Intervention program should have their eligibility under IDEA/Chapter 56 determined and, if eligible, DOE services available by their 3rd birthday.


[See Sample]


Referral/Evaluation Student Report


Description: This report lists students referred for evaluations received during the school year by the Referral Received Date and identifies the outcome or status of the Referral. This report also identifies students who have Referrals without an Evaluation Status. This report updates daily.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: SPP, State, District, Schools


Why this report is useful: Accurate accounting of eligible students in the state for Federal data collection. State, District monitoring of placement status of eligible students


[See Sample]


Referral/Evaluation Summary Report


(Formerly: Referral/Evaluation Yearly Summary)


Description: This report provides a quarterly or annual summary of the number of referrals and the referral status by the specified period (quarterly or annual).  Only Referrals received today or earlier are included.  This report updates daily.


Required Parameter(s): Begin School Year, End School Year, Period


For: SPP, State, District, Schools


Why this report is useful: Accurate accounting of eligible students in the state for Federal data collection. State, District monitoring of placement status of eligible students.


[See Sample]


[Go back]



Active MP/IEP Key Dates

Description: This report lists students who are eligible for 504/IDEA services and their most recent activated MP/IEP as well as any subsequent draft MP/IEP. It also includes eligible students who have a draft MP or IEP with a conference date.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School, District, and State level personnel


Why this report is useful: Annuals and Reevaluations will be held within timelines according to federal law


[See Sample]


Active MP/IEP Services

Description: Provide Service Providers with a list 504/IDEA  students who are entitled to receive servcies by their IEP, MP


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: All Service Providers


Why this report is useful: To ensure services are provided in accordance with the IEP or MP


[See Sample]


Declined FAPE Students


(Formerly: IDEA Students who Declined FAPE)


Description: Lists students who have declined FAPE and when the re-offer of FAPE is due


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Report Type


For: School, District, and State level personnel


Why this report is useful: Ensure that FAPE is re-offered annually to comply with Federal Law


[See Sample]


Declined FAPE Summary


(Formerly:  Students Who Have Declined FAPE (aggreagate report))



Description: Provides the aggregates of those IDEA students declining FAPE by Districts, Complexes and schools


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate By


For: SPP, State, District, and schools


Why this report is useful: Accounting of Declined FAPE numbers for Fed data collection.  State, Districts and schools can monitor number needed for re-offering of IEPs and re-evaluations


[See Sample]


ESY Services

Description: Lists students who have ESY and lists ESY services designated in the IEP


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School, District, and State level personnel


Why this report is useful: Assists in scheduling and ensuring that students receive ESY services in accordance with the IEP


[See Sample]


ESY Services - Aggregate


(Formerly: ESY Services for IDEA Students Aggregate Report )

Description: Aggregate count of the number of students eligible for ESY and what services they are eligible for.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Group By


For: Monitoring of ESY numbers and services


Why this report is useful: To help monitor the trends of numbers being qualified for ESY, where, and for what services.


[See Sample]


HSA Accommodations and Participation

Description: Lists the students who receive HSA accommodations and which accommodations they should need


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School, District, and State level personnel


Why this report is useful: Ensure that students who need accommodations for HSA testing receive them. Also assists in monitoring testing.


[See Sample]


IEP Coordinators for IDEA Students


(Formerly: IDEA Students by SPED Class Index Number)


Description: Provides IDEA students listed by Care Coordinators with the Active IEP date and other information


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School SPED case managers. State, District monitors


Why this report is useful: Meet benchmarks of IEPs and re-evaluations and services for their case loads.


[See Sample]


IEP Data (Student Report) - Daily

Description: Lists students current and overdue IEPs and totals and percentages. This report includes data on the number of IDEA-eligible students with or without an IEP, the number of IEPs that are current and the number of IEPs that are activated.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School, District, and State level personnel


Why this report is useful: Assists in scheduling and ensuring that students have current IEP's as required by law.


[See Sample]


MP Data (Student Report) - Daily

Description: List of 504 students with MP date and current information. This report includes data on the number of 504-eligible students with or without an MP, the number of MPs that are current and the number of MPs that are activated.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: SSC, counselor, care coordinator, district and state staff


Why this report is useful: Meet benchmarks and provide timely services


[See Sample]


Transition (Age 16) Summary

Description: Lists Transition Services documented for students over 16 years old and totals for each organizational unit by percentages.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: School, District, and State level personnel


Why this report is useful: Ensure that students over 16 have transitiion services addressed in the IEP as required by federal law.


[See Sample]


Transition Services (Age 16)

Description: Lists Transition Services documented for students over 16 years old and totals for each organizational unit by percentages


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: Transition and Secondary Special Education Teachers, school staff, complex, district and state staff


Why this report is useful: Monitor which students do not have the required part of the transition section completed for their IEP.  This can also be used by school staff, complex, district and state staff to monitor compliance.


[See Sample]


Upcoming IEP/MP Annual Review Date by Service Providers

Description: Providers will have their current list of students by school and will be able to better track their students and their IEPs/MPs.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: Services Providers


Why this report is useful: Providers will have their current list of students by school and will be able to better track their students and their IEPs/MPs.


[See Sample]


[Go back]



504 Services - Aggregate

Description: This report shows aggregate data for a district. It shows how many students are receiving 504 services, and what type of services they are receiving..


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate By


For: Complex, District and State Staff


Why this report is useful: This report is used by complex, district and state staff to monitor which services are being delivered to 504 students.


[See Sample]


Behavioral Health Services

Description: List includes students who have "Counseling" or "Other" selected in the related services section of the IEP or MP.


Data in this report is from the most recent IEP or MP, regardless of activation status.

If a student's record shows "Other" as the selected related service, that student will appear on the report even if the typed-in text is not related to behavioral health

(e.g. School Health Services).


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: Complex, District and State Staff


Why this report is useful: This report is used by complex, district and state staff to monitor compliance for those students that have "Counseling" or "Other" selected as a service.


[See Sample]


IDEA Services - Aggregate

Description: This report aggregate counts of IDEA students who have an IEP with a Related Service.  Data in this report is from the most recent IEP, regardless of the draft/active status.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate By


[See Sample]


Related Services Assessment


(Formerly: Related Services Referral and Assessment Student Report )


Description: This report lists students’ Referral and related service assessment data during the school year of the Referral.    


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Assessment Type


For: All levels


Why this report is useful: This report details student assessment information found in the student Referral and helps to determine how much manpower is required.


[See Sample]


Related Services Assessment Summary


(Formerly: Related Services Referral and Assessment Summary Report )


Description: This report lists students’ Referral and related service assessment data during the school year of the Referral.  


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Assessment Type


For: All levels


Why this report is useful: Data displayed in this report reflects the type of Assessments requested, which helps to determine the amount of manpower required.  


[See Sample]


[Go back]

SpEd-Student Profile

504/IDEA Student Ethnicity - Aggregate

Description: This report shows the number of eligible 504/IDEA students with activated MPs/IEPs or draft initial MPs/IEPs with actual conference dates.


Required Parameter(s): School Year, Aggregate By, Eligibility


For: SPP, State, District, Schools


Why this report is useful: Info needed in these categories for Federal data collection. State, Districts can monitor groupings for complex, schools.


[See Sample]


All Student Records by School

Description: This report shows eCSSS users which students belong at their school.  This includes exited students who have an eCSSS Student Profile .  


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: All levels


Why this report is useful: Students with an eCSSS Student  Profile will be accounted for.


[See Sample]


Contact Information for 504 and IDEA Students

Description: This report displays a list of SIS and eCSSS contacts for 504 and IDEA students.  


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: All levels


Why this report is useful: Provide essential contact information.


[See Sample]


Exited IDEA Students

Description: This report lists IDEA students who were exited from the DOE and special education services or rescinded during the school year. Schools without exit or rescission data are not included in this report.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: SPP, State, District, Schools


Why this report is useful: Info needed in these categories for Federal data collection. State, Districts can monitor groupings for complex, schools.


[See Sample]


Exited IDEA Students - Summary

Description: This report summarizes the number of students who were exited from the DOE and special education services or rescinded during the school year. Schools without exit or rescission data are not included in this report. District summary totals by exit codes and rescissions are shown below the last Complex of the District.


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: SPP, State, District, Schools


Why this report is useful: Info needed in these categories for Federal data collection. State, Districts can monitor groupings for complex, schools.


[See Sample]


Exited IDEA Students (FED)

Description: This report shows all IDEA students who have exited the program during the reporting period.  


Required Parameter(s): School Year


For: SPP, State, District, Schools


Why this report is useful: Info needed in these categories for Federal data collection. State, Districts can monitor groupings for complex, schools.


[See Sample]


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Incidents Reports


Report Name


Incidents-Administrator Use Only


IDEA Students Subject to Disciplinary Removals

Description: This report lists IDEA students who were enrolled during the selected school year and were suspended or removed from their current educational placement. This report updates daily based on the date of the incident.  


Required Parameter: School Year


[See sample]


Students with Firearms Violations

Description: This report is for the state office to prepare the annual federal Gun-Free Schools Act report.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Incidents by Staff Names

Description: This report Identifies the number of incidents referred by specific staff members.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Incidents by Student Name

Description: This report identifies the total number of incidents accumulated per student name & ID number.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Incidents by Victim/Offender Type

Description: This report is for Safe & Drug Free Schools Annual Federal Report.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


[Go back]


Incidents-Individual Student


Individual Student Incidents Summary

Description: This report provides an individual student class offense summary.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Individual Student Incident Summary by Location

Description: This report provides an individual student's incident summary information by location.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Individual Student Incident Summary by Motivation

Description: This report summarizes all incidents for a student by motivation.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Individual Student Incident Summary by Time

Description: This report shows an individual student incident summary by time of day. Running the report to include a range of dates can reveal patterns of behavior, such as whether incidents tend to take place at the same time of day.


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Summary of Suspect(s) Incident Information

Description: This report summarizes all incidents in a school, sorted by student last name. The report can be exported into Excel so that the data can be sorted in multiple ways.   


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


[Go back]



Suspension Tracking

Description: This report shows all suspensions during the reporting period by student name, showing the incident type and cumulative suspension during the school year.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Table A: Number of Suspensions by Program

Description: This report shows the results of a statistical analysis of suspensions by program in different schools.  


Required Parameter:  School Year, Report Period  


[See sample]


[Go back]



Incident Summary by Suspect, Victim, Witness

Description: This report provides a summary of all incidents at a school during the reporting period.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Incidents - Average Per Day Per Month

Description: This report shows the average number of incidents per day for each month.  


Required Parameter: School Year


[See sample]


Victim Report

Description: This report lists all students identified as victims in incidents by school and date of the incident.  


Required Parameter: School Year


[See sample]


Multi-Year Total Number of Incidents by Location

Description: This report shows where incidents took place on the school campus to show year-to-year trends.  


Required Parameter: School Year


[See sample]


Multi-Year Total Number of Suspects by Disciplinary Action

Description: This report shows how many times different types of discipline were used, and the percentage of students in the school receiving discipline for verified offenses during the school year to show year-to-year trends.   


Required Parameter: School Year


[See sample]


Multi-Year Total Number of Suspects by Gender

Description: This report shows the number of incidents by gender over a multi-year period to show year-to-year trends.  


Required Parameter: School Year


[See sample]


Multi-Year Total Number of Verified Offenses

Description: This report illustrates the total number of verified offenses broken down by offense type for a school over a multi-year period to show year-to-year trends.  


Required Parameter: School Year


[See sample]


School-wide Discipline Profile by School Year

Description: This report provides a detailed summary of all incidents to date for the school year to show year-to-year trends.   


Required Parameter: School Year, Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Incidents by Location

Description: This report shows where within the school campus incidents occurred to show year-to-year trends.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Incidents by Time

Description: This report shows the time of day that incidents occurred.


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Incidents by Disciplinary Action

Description: This report shows the disciplinary actions resulting from incidents to show trends.  


Required Parameter: School Year, Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Suspects by Ethnicity

Description: This report summarizes the total number of suspects in the school by ethnicity and can be used for trend analysis.  


Required Parameter: School Year, Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Suspects by Gender

Description: This report shows the total number of suspects by gender and can be used for trend analysis.  


Required Parameter: School Year, Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Suspects by Grade

Description: This report categorizes all suspects by grade level and can be used for trend analysis.  


Required Parameter: School Year, Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of Suspects by Possible Motivation

Description: This report shows a summary of suspects by possible motivation, and can be used for trend analysis.  


Required Parameter: School Year, Report Period


[See sample]


Total Number of  Verified Offenses

Description: This report shows the total number of verified offenses and can be used for trend analysis.  


Required Parameter: Report Period


[See sample]


[Go back]



Total Number of Truancy Suspects by Ethnicity

Description: This report shows the total number of truancy suspects by ethnicity and can be used for trend analysis.  


Required Parameter: School Year, Report Period


[See sample]


Truancy Incident Summary

Description: This report shows the number of truancy incidents in the various districts and can be used for trend analysis.  


Required Parameter: Report Period, Aggregate By


[See sample]


[Go back]



Service Verification Module


Report Name



Actual Cost of Services by Program Source and LOC

Description: This report displays aggregated totals of Actual Cost of Services by Program Source (ASD, IDEA, SBBH, 504) and Level of Care. 


Required Parameter(s): Report Period, Aggregate By

[See sample]


Average Program Source Cost per Student

Description: This report displays the average Program Source (ASD, IDEA, SBBH, 504) cost per student.


Required Parameter(s): Report Period, Aggregate By

[See sample]


Cost Comparison by LOC

Description: This report displays a cost comparison by LOC including Total Cost of Services, counts of students receiving services and Average Cost per Student.


Required Parameter(s): Report Period, Aggregate By

[See sample]


Cost Summary by Complex/School

Description: This report displays a Cost Summary for Total Cost of Services by Complex/School. Report also includes Student Name, Agency Name, LOC and  Units Authorized and Billed.


Required Parameter(s): Report Period

[See sample]


[Go back]



User Access


Report Name




eCSSS User Access List

Description: This report lists all individuals who have an assigned access role within eCSSS, grouped by school and by role. In some instances, the role may be "No Access" so inclusion on the list does not necessarily mean that the person can use eCSSS.  


Required Parameter: Group By


For: eCSSS Admin


Why this report is useful: Provides a way for administrative users to look up a particular user  and determine their level of access, or to determine who has access at a particular school.


[See sample]


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